London Boat Show 2015: перемены к лучшему

Организаторы обещают, что перемены в Лондоне будут грандиозными. Компания National Boat Shows (NBS) устраивает и зимнее London Boat Show, и сентябрьское PSP Southampton Boat Show. В совокупности обе выставки привлекают не менее 200.000 посетителей в год. Однако за последнее время был замечен небольшой спад посещаемости Лондонского боут-шоу (на 5,1%), это и подвигло NBS на внесение изменений. Обновленное London Boat Show 2015 откроется 9 января и продлится десять дней. Боут-шоу перенесли на неделю позже обычного, в NBS уверены что с этим сдвигом посетителей станет больше. Организаторы решили вернуться к формату preview day, хорошо зарекомендовавшему себя в прошлом. И организовать мероприятия себе в поддержку — так в первый уикенд London Boat Show в Excel Centre пройдет London Classic Car Show и привлечет дополнительную публику. Мюррей Эллис, управляющий директор NBS, объяснил что они намерены вернуть лондонскому боут-шоу элемент настоящего шоу. Они собираются сделать мероприятие более энергоемким и интересным, в целом. Именно живости, по его словам, и не хватало последнее время London Boat Show. Впечатление от выставки обещает быть совершенно новым. Британская верфь Fairline подтвердила свое участие в лондонских боут-шоу до 2016 года включительно. На ближайшее же боут-шоу в Саутгемптоне верфь запланировала мировую премьеру Fairline Squadron 78. Своим решением участвовать и в сентябрьских боут-шоу в Саутгемптоне также до 2016 года, верфь оказала организаторам бесценную поддержку и придала всем намечающимся переменам особое значение.

National Boat Shows (NBS) organises the London Boat Show and the PSP Southampton Boat Show, which attract a combined audience of roughly 200,000 showgoers per year.

However, in reaction to the 5.1% fall in visitors to this year’s London show, a number of changes are in the pipeline for 2015.

Next year’s London show will run for ten days (9-18 January), with NBS bringing back the preview day that has proved popular in the past for exhibitor premieres.

What’s more, the event has been shifted one week later in the year, a move that is expected to increase attendance.

Finally a complimentary event, the London Classic Car Show, is being launched at the Excel Centre to draw in the crowds on the first weekend (8-11 January).

Further changes are hinted at, but no more definite detail has been released so far.

Murray Ellis, managing director of NBS, said: “We’ll be putting the ‘Show’ back into the London Boat Show.

“We’ll inject the energy and excitement that’s been missing and create an amazing first impression.”

Fairline commits until 2016

These bold claims are backed up by Fairline, which has confirmed that it will be exhibiting at both NBS shows until 2016.

The boatbuilder is planning to publicly unveil the hardtop version of its Squadron 78 model (pictured) at the 2014 Southampton show and has thrown its weight behind NBS by committing to both shows for 2015 and 2016.

National Boat Shows (NBS) organises the London Boat Show and the PSP Southampton Boat Show, which attract a combined audience of roughly 200,000 showgoers per year.

However, in reaction to the 5.1% fall in visitors to this year’s London show, a number of changes are in the pipeline for 2015.

Next year’s London show will run for ten days (9-18 January), with NBS bringing back the preview day that has proved popular in the past for exhibitor premieres.

What’s more, the event has been shifted one week later in the year, a move that is expected to increase attendance.

Finally a complimentary event, the London Classic Car Show, is being launched at the Excel Centre to draw in the crowds on the first weekend (8-11 January).

Further changes are hinted at, but no more definite detail has been released so far.

Murray Ellis, managing director of NBS, said: “We’ll be putting the ‘Show’ back into the London Boat Show.

“We’ll inject the energy and excitement that’s been missing and create an amazing first impression.”

Fairline commits until 2016

These bold claims are backed up by Fairline, which has confirmed that it will be exhibiting at both NBS shows until 2016.

The boatbuilder is planning to publicly unveil the hardtop version of its Squadron 78 model (pictured) at the 2014 Southampton show and has thrown its weight behind NBS by committing to both shows for 2015 and 2016.

National Boat Shows (NBS) organises the London Boat Show and the PSP Southampton Boat Show, which attract a combined audience of roughly 200,000 showgoers per year. However, in reaction to the 5.1% fall in visitors to this year’s London show, a number of changes are in the pipeline for 2015.
Next year’s London show will run for ten days (9-18 January), with NBS bringing back the preview day that has proved popular in the past for exhibitor premieres. What’s more, the event has been shifted one week later in the year, a move that is expected to increase attendance.

Finally a complimentary event, the London Classic Car Show, is being launched at the Excel Centre to draw in the crowds on the first weekend (8-11 January). Further changes are hinted at, but no more definite detail has been released so far. Murray Ellis, managing director of NBS, said: “We’ll be putting the ‘Show’ back into the London Boat Show. “We’ll inject the energy and excitement that’s been missing and create an amazing first impression.”

These bold claims are backed up by Fairline, which has confirmed that it will be exhibiting at both NBS shows until 2016. Kevin Gaskell, CEO at Fairline Boats, commented: “The two shows offer distinctly different opportunities; “The London Boat Show provides an impressive indoor environment to showcase the best of the Fairline brand, whilst PSP Southampton Boat Show offers the kind of atmosphere that can only be created by an on-water show.

“As a proudly British brand, we are delighted to be building on our successful relationship with National Boat Shows and to be supporting the continued development of the leisure marine industry in the UK.”

” Исполнительный директор Fariline Boats Кевин Гескел сообщил прессе, что оба британских боут-шоу предоставляет верфи уникальные возможности. В лондонских павильонах созданы идеальные условия для того, чтобы показать все сильные стороны бренда, а в Саутгемптоне, в колыбели британского яхтостроения и городе, который значит очень много для всех, кто проводит отдых на воде, важна именно близость к стихии. «Мы гордо носим звание истинного британского производителя и укрепляем отношения с организацией Национальных боут-шоу Британии, так как и дальше планируем развивать индустрию отдыха на воде в Соединенном Королевстве», – добавил Гескел. “

8 Мая 2014